Hi Julien super read!

May i know which tool you use for the designs

I am myself a blogger, will be grateful !

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Hi Susmit, I use Excalidraw.

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Do you mention nimble and lance for AI use case in general or because your use case is primary indexing video/audio/image content for a wider AI project (but it could have been something else) ?

I’m not very clear on this, could you precise ?

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Yes, my initial use case was to have a format that makes it possible to store large blobs together with other attributes, which is often the case for GenAI projects and where Parquet struggles the most.

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Thanks for the precision and your prompt answer !

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I just heard about LanceDB in last week Trino Fest, the idea seems solid, let's see how far it goes. Parquet is now all over the place, but video/audio content I'd give a try. Thanks for sharing 🥰

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Hi Andrea, yes Lance format is still in its early stage :) It's indeed very compeling to have image + metadata/attributes in one single place :)

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