Jun 8Liked by Julien Hurault

The concept of branching a database like you branch your code is great. I really enjoyed working with this tool for that - https://planetscale.com/

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May 24Liked by Julien Hurault

This would bring so much ease to devops with tranditional databases like pg. I looked, there doesn't seem to be an equivilant. Maybe it's possible to use sqlmesh but I don't think it would be ideal.

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yes indeed by creating addtional load (virtual envs) on the prod db you migh disturb the prod workload, bit dangerous ...

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You mention “ When a developer begins a new branch, a zero-copy clone of the database is created, allowing them to experiment freely with actual production data.” I haven’t found a way to do that with DevOps. We use Snowflake and every time we create a new branch, we have to manually clone any database we need. Could you please share how you implement this feature?

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May 26·edited May 26Author

I usually do it in GitLab/GitHub with a step triggered by the creation of a new branch. This step runs a Snowflake CLONE command via snowsql to create a new database based on the name of the new branch.

Feel from DM me if want to provide more info on your setup.

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